
Full Version
The full version of Schedule D Tax Tool allows you to process unlimited rows of data.

Schedule D Tax Tool contains a forever license. There is no need to re-purchase the app each year. However, it is recommended to check for updates from time to time. In the event that the IRS changes Schedule D or Form 8949, an upgrade might be required.

Payment is made via PayPal. You will have to provide some credentials to PayPal when making an online payment. There is no sign-up or registration on this website.

You must be physically located in the United States in order to buy Schedule D Tax Tool.

Buy Online
After accepting the terms and conditions, click the PayPal button.

Option to download and test the free version of Schedule D Tax Tool
I understand that, before making a purchase, I have the option to download the free version of the software, to test that the app successfully installs on my computer system, to test that the app successfully runs on my computer system, to test that the app successfully generates TXF files, and to test that the app successfully meets my tax preparation needs.

I understand there are NO REFUNDS for the full version of the app
I understand there are



After you complete the payment process, a download link should appear immediately on the PayPal website. Make sure to click the download link before closing the PayPal page.

If you have any trouble with the download, contact customer support. For verification, include your confirmation number from your email receipt.

Schedule D Tax Tool costs less than $10

Schedule D Tax Tool can be used over and over for many years

Schedule D Tax Tool is very easy to use; the step-by-step wizard makes the process simple

Schedule D Tax Tool generates standard TXF files, which import into tax preparation software

Schedule D Tax Tool generates Form 8949 in Excel format

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